Local Information



Support Available

Breastfeeding Peer Support Service

  • A free service, available at any time – during pregnancy, after birth, when returning to work, or during the weaning stages

  • Complete training on the normal course of breastfeeding and communication skills

  • Provide non-judgemental breastfeeding support, help mothers and whānau overcome common barriers and challenges

  • Support can include: one-to-one, phone, text, email, informal group drop-in sessions, or home visits.

To find a Peer Supporter near you visit our website

Breastfeeding Peer Support Drop-in Sessions

  • Invercargill -  The Village, 10.30am, 1st and 3rd Friday of each month, Invercargill Library, Facebook

  • Te Anau - Te Anau Plunket Parent Support Coffee group, 10:30am every Wednesday morning (during term times).

​Breastfeeding Peer Supporters and local midwife: Antenatal coffee group, every 2-3 months. Email fiordlandandfamilies@gmail.com for next meet-up date.

  • Gore -  Gore Baby Feeding Support, 11am, 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, Gore Kids Hub Community Room.  Facebook

  • Dunedin -  The Breast Room® 10.30am-12.30, Thursday, Te Whānau Arohanui, 137 Victoria Road, St Clair, 0274761339, email:getsupport@thebreastroom.org, Facebook

Dunedin - Peer Support for Pasifika women: Tina-i-Tinā (Mother-to-Mother) Breastfeeding Peer Support Sevice, Ph. Charlotte 021 562 956, Finau 027 255 9908, Temukisa 022 455 4895 Website

  • Balclutha -  Milk Mamas, 10-12pm, every second Wednesday,  Te Pou O Mata-Au, 4 Clyde St.  Facebook

  • Oamaru -  The Milk Room, Tues 9-10am, Plunket Rooms, Severn St,  0276363663. Facebook

  • Alexandra - Drop-in: Mums 4 Mums Alexandra, 10-11.30am, 1st and 3rd Wednesday of month, Alexandra Baptist Church, 6 Gregg St. Facebook

  • Cromwell - Drop-in: Mums 4 Mums Cromwell, 10.30-12pm, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, CO Reap rooms, Molyneux Ave. Facebook  

  • Wanaka - Drop-in: Wanaka Well, 10-12pm, 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month, Plunket Rooms, 51 Ardmore St, Wanaka ph. 0800 560 650.  Facebook

  • Wakatipu - Drop-in: Mums 4 Mums Wakatipu, 10.30-12pm, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of month, Frankton Library, ph. 0800 560 650 Facebook

Antenatal breastfeeding support

Gain confidence with breastfeeding through a one-off group session to share knowledge and find where to get actionable and practical support before and after birth. Aims to equip women, their whanau and support people with a wealth of knowledge, skills and tools to make sure you can stay on the course of breastfeeding.

In person Class - Dunedin :

For upcoming session dates and more information

Text: 021 260 4678
Pacific Antenatal Breastfeeding Class - Dunedin:
Contact office@pto.nz for information
Online class - Otago, Central Lakes and Southland 
For upcoming session dates and more information

Lactation Consultants

Lactation consultants provide specialist support and assistance to mothers and babies who need extra help with breastfeeding.


Carrie van Rij & Stefanie Kalmakoff, Ph: 03 470 9186, email: lactation.consultants@southerndhb.govt.nz

Upper Clutha and Central Otago

Jo Guest and Ariane Dalton, 5 days a week, Monday to Friday 8.30 to 5pm. Ph: 0273495473, email: LCTeamCO@2southerndhb.govt.nz  

Charlotte Aarden, Community Lactation Consultant, Central Otago Midwives, Free service for Central Otago,Breastfeeding equipment support. Ph: 027 639 9005, Email: comidwives@gmail.com, Website: www.centralotagomidwives.co.nz 

Vanessa Logan (Smith), Lactation Consultant Central Otago Midwives, Community midwife, nurse. Ph: 0276887327, Email: vanessalogansmith.rnrmlc@gmail.com

Queenstown, its surrounds and Te Anau

Siobhan Bissett and Sarah Wild, 4 days of the week, 8.30 to 5pm. Ph: 0272725835, Email: LCTeamQT@southerndhb.govt.nz 


Gina Rutledge - (Southern DHB) - free service 03 2181949 ext 8376

Well Child/ Tamariki Ora Providers

Pregnancy and birth care and support for families/whanau/ caregivers to maximise their child's developmental potential and health status between the ages of 0-5 years; a free screening, surveillance, education and support service; community-based.

Plunket Whānau Āwhina
0800 184 803




Awarua Whanau Services 

03 218 6668




Arai Te Uru Whare Hauroa

PO Box 5626, Dunedin - 9016

Phone: 03 471 9960

Pacific Trust Otago
220 King Edward Street, Dunedin - 9012
Phone:03 455 1722


Oamaru - Waitaki

Te Kāika

32 Ribble Street, Oamaru - 9400

Phone: 03 434 7697


Toll-free telephone advice service available to all families, whanau and caregivers.

0800 933 922

La Leche League Breastfeeding Support Groups

Regular meetings are run by accredited La Leche League leaders and a wide range of breastfeeding and parenting topics are discussed to provide encouragement, support and information to all pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Further information is available online at here. See below for a leader near you:

Dunedin West:

Sian: 03 453 1051
Brylin: 03 467 5599
Kat (txt only): 027 701 4828
Jemma (txt only): 021 111 8755
Denise: 027 476 1339

Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health provides a range of resources to support breastfeeding, as well as tips and information for key support people such as partners/spouses, parents, siblings and friends.



A free telephone information service for all the family.

0800 611 116


Peer Supporters are not medical professionals, but are volunteers trained to provide information and support through common challenges to the normal course of breastfeeding.